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Illinois Lottery Launches Instant Ticket To Support Alzheimer’s Fund

4 years ago

In the month of September, Illinois Lottery launched a special instant lottery ticket that gives off its 100 percent profit as support to the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois. The lottery ticket is designed to raise, awareness, support, and care for those suffering from Alzheimer’s.

The lottery has come up with a specialty scratch-off lottery game called "The End of Alzheimer's Begins With Me" worth $3, whose 100% proceeds are allocated to the Alzheimer's Awareness Fund. The fund is responsible to expand their hand of help to those affected by the disease and to spread awareness and education about the condition.

The Illinois Lottery is known to fund such several organizations throughout the year by launching their special tickets. According to the lottery, there are approximately 5.8 million Americans above the age of 65 dealing with Alzheimer's, out of which 230,000 reside in Illinois. As per the Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Association Illinois, Delia Jervier stated, that the funds raised through the proceeds of the Illinois Lottery special ticket, will be used, not only to provide support and care, but also raise awareness and provide education to those families affected by Alzheimer's, or any other related dementia.

To boost interest, the lottery will be organizing a live virtual concert series for people above the age of 18 at which "The End of Alzheimer's Begins With Me" tickets will be given out. The game features three top prizes of $50,000 and 60 second-tier prizes of $500. The concerts will be held on Friday nights and will feature local Chicago artists as part of the Virtual Live! The aim of the concert is to drive in more awareness and funding for the Alzheimer's Association's Illinois chapter, along with supporting the local artists and business.

On September 11, Illinois Lieutenant Governor, Juliana Stratton, kicked off the virtual event that featured songwriter Marqueal Jordan, accompanied by a vocalist and an instrumentalist. The concert sponsored by the Lottery will be for an hour and will live stream on at 6:00 pm on the Mariano's Market Facebook page on Fridays.

Start buying "The End of Alzheimer's Begins With Me" lottery tickets guys. Support and win for a good cause!


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