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Coronavirus Begins To Impact The Lottery Industry!

5 years ago

Life in America has been tremendously impacted by the spread of COVID-19 or as we call it Coronavirus, including the Lottery Industry. Although many lotteries continue to operate their drawings and processes, some parts of the game do requires people to gather in a single place that has been shut down. Places such as claim centers have been completely shut down, especially in Illinois and South Carolina. They are accepting claims only through the mail. The claim centers of Illinois will remain shut until any further notice.

The Lottery Officials are encouraging the players to make copies of their claim form and ticket before mailing it to them. States including Colorado, Massachusetts, South Dakota, Washington D.C., West Virginia, etc, have curbed some aspects of their operations due to the pandemic situation. Puerto Rico is the one lottery that has completely ceased its operations. Many lotteries are not doing a good job of communicating with their players about the situation, even the ones that are massively hit by the virus.

Nobody knows how well are the preventive measures working or how long will the measures will last, but the state lotteries would be credit-full by being transparent about the situation, its impact, and openly communicate with their players.

You can check out important information about Coronavirus on -

The official Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) page about COVID-19:

The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America — 15 Days to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) at


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