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£27 Million EuroMillions Lottery Winner Found Dead

3 years ago

A lottery jackpot winner of £27 million that is (US$37.4 million) EuroMillions jackpot was found dead in her bungalow on Thursday. After winning millions in the Ireland National Lottery in 2013, Margaret Loughrey instantly went from being extremely poor, unemployed, and struggling to one of the nation's richest people. She was just done completing her dream home in which she was found dead.

Eight years ago, she left her house in search of a good job. While she was out there, she took a chance with a couple of extra money in her pockets and bought a Lucky Dip (Quick Pick) for EuroMillions, despite not being able to afford a single lottery play over the years. And to her utter surprise, the chance she had taken changed her life forever.

After claiming the grand jackpot, Loughrey knew what she had to do. In less than a year, the large-hearted woman donated most of her winnings to people in need as well as her hometown of Strabane, leaving just £1.06 million (US$1.48 million) for herself. She always said that she dreamed of retiring to the South of Spain, but she would never allow the money to change her.

In an interview, the grand winner said, "I know what it's like to have nothing," and "That's why I'm giving it away — I can't miss what I never had."

The grand EuroMillion lottery winner, later nicknamed "Maggie Millions" was one of the biggest cheerleaders. She hoped to invest in the town as a potential "That's why I'm giving it away — I can't miss what I never had." In the end, she just wanted both the town and its residents to flourish.

But her brother, Paul Loughrey was quite skeptical about this newfound wealth. He said, that 'this is not going to be good for Margaret.' The friends and acquaintances of the winner often commented on how wonderful it must have been to win such a life-changing amount of money, but Paul always reminded them to be careful what they wished for.

The 52-year brother revealed that the win not only ruined the whole family but also Margaret. According to her brother, she had a happy childhood until their father, then a bricklayer fell off a roof and passed away. Since this tragic event in her life, Paul said, she developed a mental health illness, which was aggravated by the pressures of managing sudden wealth. Strangely she chased off her siblings out of her life. and gave her family members £1 million (US$1.38 million) each. According to him, "She just didn't want to know us anymore. She didn't want us in her life but still, she gave us the money. It doesn't make sense, does it? But she made sure we were all okay." Despite all the troubling times, the winner has been through, Paul hopes that the woman will be remembered for the good deeds carried out with the prize money. Even the locals revealed that the lottery winner quietly paid for those who were in desperate need of money and also supported a school in Strabane that accommodates children ages three to 19 with special needs.

The lucky lottery winner had renovated her mansion on the scenic horizon of Strabane that she never got to live in. She lived in a nearby cottage with her two dogs where she was discovered deceased.

Though the Police said that the death is not suspicious, Paul believes that maybe the strain and pressures of the lottery winnings have been a contributing factor.

This is why we urge lottery players and winners to play the lottery responsibly and take care of their winnings before running into ruins.


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